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naam: Gillis
latijns:prionus coriarius-lederbok - looier

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 >>

To Gillis.
oh dear you, do you hear Gillis, 12 Dec 2006 23:44
hear do you you do hear do hear you you hear do


To Gillis.
see Gillis, 12 Dec 2006 23:47


To Truus.
see Truus, 13 Dec 2006 01:51
what I see!


To Nothing.
close your eyes and see on/off/on/off/on/off/on/off/on/off/on/of, 13 Dec 2006 10:49

To Nothing.
jeeheeheezus ..., 13 Dec 2006 03:15
Language is an abominable misunderstanding which makes up a part of matter. The painters and the physicists have treated matter pretty well. The poets have hardly touched it. In March 1958, when I was living at the Beat Hotel, I proposed to Burroughs to at least make available to literature the means that painters have been using for fifty years. Cut words into pieces and scramble them. You'll hear someone draw a bow-string. Who runs may read, To read better, practice your running. Speed is entirely up to us, since machines have delivered us from the horse.

To Nothing.
... pheeuw!, 13 Dec 2006 03:15
Henceforth the question is to deliver us from that other so-called superior animal, man. It's not worth it to chase out the merchants: their temple is dedicated to the unsuitable lie of the value of the Unique. The crime of separation gave birth to the idea of the Unique which would not be separate. In painting, matter has seen everything: from sand to stuffed goats. Disfigured more and more, the image has been geometrically multiplied to a dizzying degree. A snow of advertising could fall from the sky, and only collector babies and the chimpanzees who make abstract paintings would bother to pick one up.'' -Brion Gysin, 1963

To Nothing.
yeah eh...wachff I reflected deep&hard berre has put it in pipe & smokin' it.., 13 Dec 2006 03:22
for about 20 seconds and I still think language is not matter and by forcing it into matter, putting it into matter it becomes for example art or literature (or doodles and spam for example) and this again is debatable as some do not see art or literature where others do. Putting language into matter in an artform way is nothing new so what does this meneer want anyway?

To Nothing.
no good baby... all ears, 13 Dec 2006 09:33

To Nothing.
he wants to unspeak no man a mind on his own, 13 Dec 2006 10:27

To Nothing.
mjah, hmm b tapping pipe on radiator & puts it awa, 13 Dec 2006 20:50
thought I might have got it wrong

To Gillis.
dr. doglin prescribes: Gillis, 09 Dec 2006 12:34


To Dawn.
Hello G Dawn, 09 Dec 2006 22:43

To Nothing.
hi g, 13 Dec 2006 10:29

To Gillis.
directions... Gillis, 01 Aug 2006 22:07
hope they are clear enough even for those who find this site unsurfable:


To Nothing.
hihihihi proest (nee niet proust), 01 Aug 2006 22:22

To Nothing.
mais non, au contraire! oui, c'est la folie, 01 Aug 2006 23:48
c'est comme la recherche du temps perdu dejà vu

To Nothing.
en helemaal zelf mijn weg gevonden en niet expres stom gedaan!, 02 Aug 2006 07:05
via mens

To Gillis.
artists kill their teachers Gillis, 30 Apr 2006 20:45
by force of what they make.


To Humbird.
the teachers Humbird, 30 Apr 2006 22:07
still like to take credit though ''I taught them you know! They would never have gotten where they are without me!''

To Gillis.
make it so Gillis, 30 Apr 2006 23:28
hope you get there where people will say that about you (& themselves). somebody thanked the snake after being bitten by it..

To Bulletje.
waf Bulletje, 01 Mei 2006 11:04
waf waf?

To Gillis.
confluence Gillis, 04 Nov 2005 02:49
(making good on a promise)


To Rosibutterfly.
oh yeah !!!! Rosibutterfly, 04 Nov 2005 09:12
niiice one Gill Gill!!

To Gillis.
D.Ch. wordt geen honderd, hoera! Gillis, 30 Okt 2005 12:34
Het jaar is al bijna voorbij, en nu pas weet ik dat het ''Daniil Charms-jaar'' is/was... (Check the links for english & video! hihi!)


To Gillis.
---> Gillis, 30 Okt 2005 12:42


To Bunbunny.
Kharms is great... Bunbunny, 30 Okt 2005 13:26
I like his works a lot. :D

To Nothing.
een mislukte voorstelling nihila, 30 Okt 2005 14:49
a well fucked up play ;-)

To Nothing.
een mislukte voorstelling nihila, 30 Okt 2005 14:49
a well fucked up play ;-)

To Gillis.
''Snot-check?'' Gillis, 26 Okt 2005 00:01
One person tells another that somewhere there happens to be this guy who doesn't like to go to the movies in a cinema. He prefers to watch them home alone on tv. He wants to be free to let tears fall, snot flow, howls and gasps sound. Without any restrictions. If it happens at all. He doesn't cry easily, so any excuse will do.


To Rosibutterfly.
Ain't this .. Rosibutterfly, 26 Okt 2005 00:11
''Tagline: In life and love, expect the unexpected.'' .. the TRUTH?????

To Gillis.
it looks like advice, so Gillis, 26 Okt 2005 00:27
it can not be 'the truth'. a nother un truth: ''unexpect anything'' - take two: ''truth doesn't give advice, it just.'' (the dog tags the truth, tugs the line hard, but.)


To Rosibutterfly.
wtf ... Rosibutterfly, 26 Okt 2005 00:34
have you been smoking? (totally unexpected - kinda proves my point) ha ha

To Nothing.
ach chullus! berre messenger and source, 26 Okt 2005 01:43
er wordt alom naar u gevraagd

To Nothing.
n Pathé, 26 Okt 2005 23:26
bioscoop is ook leuk, het leukste kado in het donker!

To Nothing.
ah, zo'n fase berre looked it up in the book of snot, 27 Okt 2005 00:22

To Gillis.
Today i need it: Gillis, 04 Okt 2005 10:28
800 minutes of Bach solo piano. Structure. Light. Repetition. Calm. Rational. Fresh. Awake. No mistakes. And a crazy bum humming along like an idiot (savant)...


To Nothing.
800 minutes ? Baffled, 04 Okt 2005 12:05
13.33333333 hours recurring. Is this symbolic ? What does it really mean - really ?

To Gillis.
very factual actually Gillis, 04 Okt 2005 12:32
total playing time of box set (but even that might mean something...)


To Nothing.
Does this qualify ...................... ..... as a 13.33 encounter ?, 04 Okt 2005 12:54

To Nothing.
what Prieg, 04 Okt 2005 13:05
is number 26? I can't see it.

To Nothing.
It's a secret organisation http://www.26.org.uk/, 04 Okt 2005 13:14
but because you have asked the question, it is of course not secret anymore. The link may have been removed by the time you check. We are busy re-locating now. Thanks for nothing.

To Gillis.
''But, Gillis, 03 Okt 2005 22:48
I thought, now I am finally back. And I looked attentively at the airy nothing that survived.''


To Rosibutterfly.
he's .. Rosibutterfly, 04 Okt 2005 01:15
a miserable looking bl☺ke isn't he? : )

To Gillis.
that's a miserable looking Gillis, 05 Okt 2005 01:06
comment, isn't it?

To Rosibutterfly.
I added a grin .. Rosibutterfly, 05 Okt 2005 14:55
does that make it a little less miserable l☺☺king?

To Nothing.
Coffee and reading: Billy the Kid, 04 Okt 2005 05:42
''I made my way through the obstacles to the room where my books had lined the shelves. I would like to have found the bilingual Marcus Aurelius, then Eckermann's Conversations and an old Hungarian edition of the Bible. But it was difficult to get my bearings in the chaos. The blast had, like some paper mill, ground the books into a pulp. Still, one book with an undamaged title page lay on the rubbish pile right next to my top hat. I picked it up and read the title: ''On the care of a Middle-Class Dog,'' this was its title.''

To Gillis.
middle-class dogs Gillis, 05 Okt 2005 00:47
are easy to take care of! BEDELEN // help mij / vrolijk te zijn // laat me uitgelaten / zijn in uw gezelschap // laat me af en toe uit / dan ben ik uw hondje // en dans rond uw benen / en lik aan uw handen / en ruik aan uw kruis // en ik zal janken en blaffen / en jou aan het lachen maken // en overal achter je aan lopen / zo trouw als ik ben


To Gillis.
hihi Gillis, 18 Sep 2005 21:43
''Shock brings success. / Shock comes-oh, oh! / Laughing words-ha, ha! / The shock terrifies for a hundred miles, / And he does not let fall the sacrificial spoon and chalice.''


To Nothing.
writer's block blues, 21 Sep 2005 10:51

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 >>

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