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naam: Actuallyzzz
latijns:arctia caja - bruine beervlinder - grote beer

To Actuallyzzz.
Help Actuallyzzz, 18 Jan 2018 21:11
does anyone know what is going on with me? or perhaps I'm not here looking for answers, I'm just looking to vent. I've been experiencing major memory loss, insomnia and nightmares, a cough, paranoia, just a ton of shit. I'm hallucinating. I cant tell reality from...i don't know. I've never experienced a bloody nose but those have been reoccurring recently. There are these vivid thoughts I keep having of killllll___ and It's bad becauuu I don't hate the idea.

ya um. that's it. thanks,,,zzzz2

To Candyconcrete.
Hey Candyconcrete, 19 Jan 2018 20:19
Go to a doctor. The people who use this site are NOT professionals.


To Actuallyzzz.
excited for the golden globe awards? Actuallyzzz, 07 Jan 2018 08:01
happy national bean day fellow bugs!!! CElebrate everyday as if it is your la--_

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