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Conversation and thirst.

4 3 2 1

To Teacotta.
helloconversation.here Teacotta, 03 Dec 2019 09:48
i missed you all

To Nothing.
Amazingconversation.here Erica, 31 Mrt 2011 19:18
This is an amazing website. I wish you the best.

To Nothing.
amazing joost, 22 Dec 2011 06:21
it is. excellent. I just. the things that come out of a person's head...

To Nothing.
life. . . conversation.here McRachelSenn, 05 Feb 2009 04:38
It seems as though people don't cherish their life and just watch it pass by and wish for it to be complete, but what no one realizes is that even the littlest moments can be significant.

To Nothing.
Excellentconversation.here Uncle Hannah, 26 Sep 2008 05:19
Thanks for sharing your special brand of bizarreness.

To Nothing.
How old are you btw? Deiu, 27 Jan 2009 22:06
so nie of you that you let us choose for our own bugs :)
the site is very interesting...keep it up, i'd like to see more

To Madviolence.
Waking up Madviolence, 20 Okt 2013 08:08
Excellent work indeed. Amazing surreal stories.

To Flyflybluefly.
D:conversation.here Flyflybluefly, 01 Jul 2008 19:16
what is thisssssssssssssssssss

To Elling.
hahahahaha stupid personnnnnnnn Elling, 01 Jul 2008 21:16
do carry on trying to figure it out, maybe your head will explodeeeeeeee

To Nothing.
Another name, 03 Jul 2008 06:03
stupid statement! How long do we have to listen to you and your tripe?

To Redsboy.
Oh, ''Name'' Redsboy, 03 Jul 2008 18:30
lighten up a little. If you don't want to read what someone has written, there is a simple solution. Watch for their bug and then just skip what they write! JUST DON'T READ IT! It will do wonders for your blood pressure.

To Elling.
''12 month no quibbles guaruntee'' Elling, 03 Jul 2008 21:08
you'll have keep listening to it till one of us dies...and if you dont take redboys advice, youll die pretty soon, so no worries, im happy either way :)

To Flyflybluefly.
a-hole Flyflybluefly, 07 Jul 2008 05:04
dont be so mean to newbs

To Elling.
you foul-mouthed cunt Elling, 07 Jul 2008 06:04
dont say a-hole...and name is no newb, hes an old enemy of mine

To Artofme.
confessionconversation.here Artofme, 21 Nov 2007 22:17
I do the same thing.

To Djuro.
I get those dreamsconversation.here Djuro, 23 Sep 2007 20:47
especially minutes before waking up to a long hungovered day

To Nothing.
wont lastconversation.here the spanish inquisition, 23 Jul 2007 06:53
either this is a front for the corporate world or it's not going to last

To Nothing.
qcconversation.here paul t, 23 Jul 2007 06:50
you need to add the year to the time stamp

To Spluch.
hmmmmmmm.......conversation.here Spluch, 30 Jun 2007 10:55
yep , i know what ya mean !!!!! i always wish i could have a chat with that gum on my shoe .

4 3 2 1

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