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naam: Salotehawaiii
latijns:geometra papilionaria - zomervlinder

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 >>

To Salotehawaiii.
aaagh Salotehawaiii, 03 Aug 2011 23:54
I'm meltinnngg

To Nothing.
it's so fucking hot aaaArghh!, 04 Aug 2011 05:44
i'm barely moving my hands and i think i've lost about 5 pounds of sweat in the last 20 minutes.

To Nothing.
Is it possible that Albert Tuttle, 04 Aug 2011 15:34
you are morbidly obese ? If not, you could have malaria or a host of other tropical diseases. In any event, best to see a doctor.

To Salotehawaiii.
I guess the janitor is on vacation Salotehawaiii, 18 Jun 2011 18:25
there is still a mess on aisle 2536. I'll keep an antenna out in case he's lying on Waikiki Beach.


To Nothing.
No problem ha~y~e Luciferian, 18 Jun 2011 23:47
just lay back and watch the son rise

To Salotehawaiii.
''Clean up Salotehawaiii, 16 Nov 2010 05:21
on page 2513 please, clean up on page 2513''.... how do they get past the math quiz anyhoo?

To Magician.
I guess Magician, 19 Nov 2010 18:03
It could just be a really dedicated person.

To Nothing.
Definitely Uh oh, fifteen minutes to Judge Wapner, 20 Nov 2010 04:05
definitely dedicated

To Nothing.
lol  , 21 Nov 2010 00:52

To Nothing.
10 second rule. Toasting in epic bread, 21 Nov 2010 00:53
At least it didn't land buttered side down.

To Nothing.
4chan! Reginald Winklejohn, 21 Nov 2010 01:43
I forgot you guys were on here!

To Nothing.
Rules 1 and 2  , 21 Nov 2010 03:26

To Nothing.
RULE 34 4chan luvr, 22 Nov 2010 02:09

To Salotehawaiii.
waz Salotehawaiii, 21 Dec 2010 05:48
hopin' this mighta been taken care of by now

To Salotehawaiii.
Henry , Blaat, other nerd like sorts ~ Salotehawaiii, 28 Okt 2010 16:46
I have a computer that decides to turn itself on when ever it likes.... Why? I've done the power option thing, virus scans, malware scans, MS updates are current....nothing ...... hmmm ... Maybe it's lonely.

To Nothing.
This is just machinepower, 28 Okt 2010 17:04
the beginning! Wait what it will do next!

To Salotehawaiii.
This morning Salotehawaiii, 29 Okt 2010 20:47
there was hot coffee waiting on my desk!

To Nothing.
if it don't know how to make icecream, machines need to know their place, 29 Okt 2010 21:21
it ain't worth the trouble.

To Henryhackit.
it could be Henryhackit, 30 Okt 2010 14:27
running a bit hot. Puters turn themselves off when they reach a certain temprature. Have a look inside and carefully clean out the accumulated dust.

To Henryhackit.
wait What! It makes Coffee?! Henryhackit, 30 Okt 2010 14:28
Care to swap puters with me?

To Sequeira.
you think you're so cute Sequeira, 30 Okt 2010 18:22
sayin puters and all that

To Nothing.
shut it name is the game, 30 Okt 2010 23:56

To Sequeira.
name! my old nemesis! Sequeira, 31 Okt 2010 03:20
so we meet again

To Nothing.
It's a thought Piet Hein, 31 Okt 2010 10:16
The noble art of losing face ~ may someday save the human race ~ and turn into eternal merit ~ what weaker minds would call disgrace.

To Sequeira.
This is Sequeira, 31 Okt 2010 18:22
the best I could have hoped for.

To Henryhackit.
heck Henryhackit, 31 Okt 2010 03:49
I is cute, people can vouch for that. I have heard that many a times as a be'in refered to me. And I sure do like youre fancy name. With your three consecutive vowels 'n all.

To Nothing.
a, e, i, o , u and y never did me any harm , 31 Okt 2010 10:04
we are the clever letters me oh my. Battered into my memory with a blackboard ruler. Those were the times.

To Nothing.
Qi Harry Klump, 31 Okt 2010 10:13
as an idle thought, Sequeira is an anagram of Queasier, Is A Queer and A Re Use Qi. Amongst of course many others, equally as interesting or not, depending upon your outlook.

To Nothing.
........ whilst Henryhackit could be Harry Klump (yes, me again), 31 Okt 2010 10:30
either Hah Trick Yen, He Try Hack In or Achy Then Irk. Amongst of course many others, equally as interesting or not, depending upon your outlook.

To Nothing.
A rag man, 31 Okt 2010 21:06
Lurk my harp.

To Nothing.
Leave me out of this Harry Klump, 31 Okt 2010 21:30
if you don't mind

To Sequeira.
who the fuck are you man? Sequeira, 31 Okt 2010 22:06
you have (dis) graced this site for years and years, cantankerously dispensing extraneous pretension to the masses and asking nothing in return. you shiftily change form for each endeavor so people can't call you out on shit you pulled last week. where would this site be without the curmudgeon?

To Nothing.
is that surely you cannot be serious ?, 31 Okt 2010 22:50
an accusation ?

To Sequeira.
seeee Sequeira, 01 Nov 2010 00:04
what I meeeean?

To Nothing.
To be frank with you Mr. Sequeira a name, but not ''your'' name, 01 Nov 2010 00:23
as nobody knows who you are referring to, and this person is quite probably the result of your overwrought imagination, and may well not even exist, how is it possible to see what you mean ? Do you mean what you say ? I think you should stop working so hard and take a long rest. Please, this is for your own good, and advice which is given with the best of intentions. Stop looking for corners when confronted with a circle.

To Sequeira.
it was all in jest my good sir Sequeira, 01 Nov 2010 02:10
peace and love

To Magician.
Actually Magician, 31 Okt 2010 16:27
It's turning itself ON. A bit stranger.

To Nothing.
I don't find this strange at all But I could be wrong on the other hand, 31 Okt 2010 21:57
I suspect the computer has become a slave to an external network due to infiltration which the anti-virus is incapable of detecting. No idea what the cure is though. Prognosis - suspect not good

To Salotehawaii.
NO DUST Salotehawaii, 01 Nov 2010 19:40
on my baby!

To Salotehawaiii.
Thanks bugs... Salotehawaiii, 01 Nov 2010 03:50
it was quiet today/night....and there was NO coffee!! but ice cream and cake showed up at 10pm...hmmmm

To Nothing.
aaargh ! nameeman, 01 Nov 2010 09:18
That is when it is at its most dangerous. The lull before the storm. Hide or Flee before the next stage.

To Poulette.
Damn, no diagnosis yet? Poulette, 02 Nov 2010 00:28
I need to know... I want to copy you and get ice cream and cake!

To Salotehawaiii.
Happy Birthday to Janus Salotehawaiii, 12 Jul 2010 04:13
Jancock....is he still here?

To Poulette.
Happy birthday Poulette, 12 Jul 2010 05:21
to JJJ and to you too, Salo!! =D


To Poulette.
I was lazy to sing it myself Poulette, 12 Jul 2010 05:54


To Omena.
on time and in tune! Omena, 12 Jul 2010 17:04
good to teach the horns a thing or two

To Janusjancock.
Ofcourse Janusjancock, 12 Jul 2010 11:49
I'm still here!
Thanks for remembering.
Happy birthday 2 u 2 Salote!

To Dawn.
Happy Birthday Jancock Dawn, 12 Jul 2010 12:49

To Mrblaat.
happy birthday Mrblaat, 12 Jul 2010 14:00
to the both of you.

To Dawn.
Happy Birthday Salote Dawn, 12 Jul 2010 12:50

To Omena.
perhaps this was the birthday greeting Omena, 12 Jul 2010 17:03
intended by the mite below


To Mrsblaat.
Belated... Mrsblaat, 13 Jul 2010 12:51
happy birthday to you both. Raise a 'parklin!!

To Salotehawaiii.
Thank you Salotehawaiii, 16 Jul 2010 02:53
everyone for the birthday wishes!

To Salotehawaiii.
guess Salotehawaiii, 09 Mei 2010 23:56

To Magician.
I'd get thirsty Magician, 23 Mei 2010 20:41
On Mars.

To Salotehawaiii.
would anyone like Salotehawaiii, 16 Apr 2010 05:06
to join me?


To Salotehawaiii.
hotels Salotehawaiii, 16 Apr 2010 05:07
look fun!


To Salote.
Duuuude Salote, 16 Apr 2010 05:09
I am SO there!


To Salotehawaiii.
yes ... Salotehawaiii, 14 Apr 2010 05:39
nostalgia for the good days

To Nothing.
Yesterday the good days are now, 14 Apr 2010 08:40
has passed, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a GIFT...called the PRESENT.

To Nothing.
oh shush! The Nostalgist, 14 Apr 2010 21:42
You're disrupting my meandering down lanes of the past, carefully sidestepping the piles of crap I find there too.

To Magician.
Finding Time Magician, 23 Mei 2010 19:59
We can't be picky about the present, but we can about the past. So let's just wallow in the used bathwater of the same old memories again and again and again.

To Salotehawaiii.
Henry Salotehawaiii, 18 Mrt 2010 20:50
is this for real? The comment on the bottom of the page I mean.


To Nothing.
fishy 216229, 19 Mrt 2010 09:43
sounds like someone trying to get you to send them YOUR credit info.

To Dahenk.
Not for real Dahenk, 19 Mrt 2010 14:48
The registration confirmation passes through Yahoos servers, but credit card info is not automatically stored there. That would be illegal. What is probably true is that he bought stuff on ebay with the credit cards of people who were stupid enough to mail credit card info to that yahoo email address, which belongs to ''henry''. The zeroes etc. is to make it look more hackerish (is that a word?).

To Henryhackit.
Just 4 the record Henryhackit, 22 Mrt 2010 19:44
it wasn't me. :) Hey Henk, {Big manly man hug} Good to see you again.

To Dahenk.
manly of course Dahenk, 23 Mrt 2010 00:04
Hey Henry, good to ''see'' you too! Hug back.

To Nothing.
legit thanks op, 19 Mrt 2010 18:24
it works here too. you can access anybody's password just by entering your own email and password in this thread. nobody will be able to see it though, and you will be redirected to a secret page with all the login names and passwords. here's mine: herp-a-derp@hurr-durr.com password=******

To Nothing.
Oh ? The Reverend Timothy Bumble, 19 Mrt 2010 20:52
can this really be true ? I, to be honest, am reluctant to provide the information in case this is some sort of scam. I promise that I am not doubting your honesty or sincerity, but is there any way you can give me some reassurance ?

To Nothing.
Ga name, 19 Mrt 2010 21:40

To Salotehawaiii.
Thanks Henry! Salotehawaiii, 20 Mrt 2010 04:28
and no I certainly didn't send him any c. c. info.


To Dawn.
Hi Salote Dawn, 22 Mrt 2010 12:20
I had an email from these people saying it was from you. I deleted it as I realised it wasn't something from you. It used your email address to contact me. I also had exactly the same email from someone using the name John!

To Rosibutterfly.
'n me best pal Dawnie Pooh ... Rosibutterfly, 23 Mrt 2010 16:11
... woohooooooooo ... isn't it nice to see some bug butts on this page instead of those dang fangled cats bums! Hugz and kisses .. ♥

To Dawn.
Hi Rosi Dawn, 24 Mrt 2010 16:03
Its a whole year since I last saw you. We did have such a wonderful time in Paris. Come again soon hugz xxxxx

To Henryhackit.
What the Hack! Henryhackit, 22 Mrt 2010 19:41
DaHenk != Henry ( ''!='' programmer speak for ''is not equal too'' ) Don't be fooled. the internet is reasonably safe, except from stupidity. Which can actually make you a ''fair'' buck if you play it right and have no concience.

To Rosibutterfly.
ello 'enry ... Rosibutterfly, 23 Mrt 2010 16:09
... fancy seeing your fat lil butt again. Hugz to you too!

To Henryhackit.
oh thank goodness Henryhackit, 23 Mrt 2010 19:37
you still flutter by. Your last post was such a long time ago, I dreaded you might have left. {Hugz} *HH does little dance, just for you.


To Rosibutterfly.
I got one from you too Salo ... Rosibutterfly, 23 Mrt 2010 16:08
like Dawn I deleted it, unread. I hope it didn't contain any money for me, that would make me cry! Hugz anyway.

To Nothing.
So... Cat's Asses Represent!!! What?!?, 24 Mrt 2010 19:01
Somebody's contacts list somehow got read by the phishermen? lol...Lemme guess, windblows operating system?

To Salotehawaiii.
and Salotehawaiii, 20 Dec 2009 05:18
one for me!


11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 >>

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