At last'm free! Here's how I handled it:

  1. Gave away my wish list.
  2. Spat on my list of people to apologize to.
  3. Folded an airplane from my list of countries to visit.
  4. Ate my list of nutritional tips.
  5. Flushed my list of duties.
  6. Burnt my list of possible disasters.
  7. Published my list of destroyed lists right here.

Though I feel liberated, I'm still left with an urge to tick a box.
HooHoo says: Doing bad things is free, but the consequences cost the i wonder when time will stand still long enough to give me time to finish my missing assignments :/. . . Free?freedom Realy what is freedom.........i dont know u dnt know............know u???
Back to the start. Real freedom is a decicion, that everyone can make.
It starts with taking you the way you are, and can lead to accomplishing everithing you desire. 

The other way round is just torture. 

Well I tried at least, and every mean rock on the way questioned my actions. I can't stand it anymore. Unless... 
I'm really certain, that I like me, just the stubbern way I am.why I'm deeply unsettled