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To Farfrost
Random thoughts Farfrost, 02 Mrt 2024 12:35
I used the wayback machine to check out the far out version of this site. I was surprised to see that the layout had been established early on and had not changed much. Hehe.

To Farfrost
And... Farfrost, 02 Mrt 2024 12:40
Haven't seen Sjeu lately. I thought she was supposed to be the active type? Well...I'm curious if she knows the sink is fixed.

To Farfrost
Farfrost, 02 Mrt 2024 12:52
Loneliness is slightly more corrosive than I thought. The loneliness was especially strong this Friday when I didn't have class (due to some accident) and there was no one to help me keep track of what was going on in class. I've obviously overestimated how strong I am again, but I think I can adapt.

I've actually decided to study abroad in a foreign country in the future, and this loneliness is a long way off.

To Quotation
Quotation, 02 Mrt 2024 14:52

''Over time, loneliness gets inside you and doesn't go away'

To Nobody
if it works don't try to fix it... Nobody, 03 Mrt 2024 13:44
there have been some tweaks, but I like the scrolling and typing animation. suggestions are welcome.

To Mayathewolf
I got bored..search.here Mayathewolf, 01 Mrt 2024 16:37
So i decides to research each company! Excite was an American company that was some browser. It had similar features on the front page like Microsoft edge which is interesting. And started in June 1993, which is 7 years before the start of the 2000's. It was out into the public in 1996. Excite had many services for a while. And had a education website what- Yahoo! is a Altba website which I never knew. It's still out here today and i know that it has some email thingy.

To Mayathewolf
- Mayathewolf, 01 Mrt 2024 16:43
It has a global media and tech website. And it's current logo was made 5 years ago, which is around 2019 hopefully before covid- It had a different name which is Jerry and David's guide to the World Wide Web. And the name Yahoo was registred on Jan 18,1995. Yahoo's is a acrimum for Yet Another Hierarchically Organzied Oracle. It grew popular in the 1990's which is pretty intresting. And then finally, we have AltaCista which i never heard off.

To Mayathewolf
- Mayathewolf, 01 Mrt 2024 17:10
From auto google searches it might be a name of a random highschool somewhere. It was a early web engine and was made around 1995. It's the first searchable website to be there. a year later they became a exclusive provider for yahoo. In 1999 the company got sold, and it got sold again in 2003. It had a free email service. It was shut down on June 28,2013.

To Quotation
Quotation, 02 Mrt 2024 04:31

''Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine''

To Nobody
Good job! Nobody, 03 Mrt 2024 13:48
It's been a while since I created that page. It was meant to be about soul searching. At the time Google didn't exist and it was hard to find anything. You had to try a bunch of search engines before you found anything. I might add a little note to this page to add this context.

To Mayathewolf
O- Mayathewolf, 04 Mrt 2024 21:25
Interesting, I didn't know that at all. But I'm a bit glad that I never needed to use more then one search sites to find something. However I wonder what they layouts look like. I should visit the wayback machine soon.

To Mayathewolf
Pretty creative waysthink.here Mayathewolf, 01 Mrt 2024 16:07
When I first went to this page i was a bit confused but decided to yeet the person out of the box- I would like to fling them off of the screen but I didn't realize that u can move the box so you could make it bigger and smaller to make the person fall out of it. Overall pretty smart ways.

To Quotation
Quotation, 02 Mrt 2024 04:24

''It isn't enough to think outside the box. Thinking is passive. Get used to acting outside the box.''

To Nobody
did you get the person dancing? Nobody, 03 Mrt 2024 13:49
because that's the end goal.

To Mayathewolf
Yes I did!! Mayathewolf, 25 Mrt 2024 19:49
The guy was doing a silly dance, but it's pretty fun to just launch the guy. Anyways it's pretty clever.

To Mayathewolf
Booksbook.here Mayathewolf, 29 Feb 2024 18:40
I would love to write more books. Although I have some storylines that i continue. like my Warriors scratch comic series, or my flights rising dragons lore which I'm writing as I make this comment. Books can also be very fun to read like the small series Catwings. I have the first book only and i love the series with my heart.

To Quotation
Quotation, 01 Mrt 2024 04:47

''There is only one thing that could replace a book: the next book''

To Mayathewolf
yes Mayathewolf, 01 Mrt 2024 15:05
perfect quote

To Mayathewolf
Guys i did it- Mayathewolf, 28 Feb 2024 22:25
I went to all of the pages on this website. Which is pretty cool and is something I wanna share.

To Nessell
Wow! Nessell, 29 Feb 2024 09:45
All of them?

To Mayathewolf
Yes! Mayathewolf, 29 Feb 2024 15:07
I really did it. I was thinking on sending it on the website's discord server.
Edit: I'm planning to share it on the discord server when its lunch for me.

To Nobody
all the ones? Nobody, 03 Mrt 2024 13:50
the ones linked from the front page I guess.

To Mayathewolf
S o c k socks.here Mayathewolf, 28 Feb 2024 19:58
You better pay me for doing ur laundry >:(

To Quotation
Quotation, 29 Feb 2024 15:14

''True love is like a pair of socks: you gotta have two and they've gotta match''

To Mayathewolf
Love Mayathewolf, 29 Feb 2024 20:50
Very true, people will always have a matching pair but they wouldn't find one.

To Mayathewolf
Coffee.. coffee.here Mayathewolf, 28 Feb 2024 19:43
To be honest I don't drink a bunch of coffee as i drink wayyy tooo much soda, but sometimes a nice coffee with some wipped cream is something that i would love to get. I rarely get coffee from any sort of store or resutrant that sells it but i think my favorite is dunkin donuts for sure. My mom drinks so much coffee everyday, but this still doesn't have me having a bunch of coffee.

To Mayathewolf
- Mayathewolf, 28 Feb 2024 19:44
Didn't realize that i wrote this comment after ten years in no replys to this page-

To Quotation
Quotation, 29 Feb 2024 15:09

''Every morning i have my favorite soffee. It's called a lot''

To Mayathewolf
True quote for my mom. Mayathewolf, 29 Feb 2024 16:04
Sometimes coffee is pretty good actually. It helps us get more awake and can be pretty special to us.

To Pilot
Lovely Pilot, 28 Feb 2024 07:36
This lovely, lonely man
I've only known a day
I look at him and cannot look away
Oh, what a love
Oh, what a lovely, lonely man

I've met so many men
So easy to forget
I thought I've grown immune to them and yet
He's such a love
He's such a lovely, lonely man
How did he touch my heart?
How did this feeling start?
This glow that feels so warm inside
This sudden summer storm inside

My life now has a plan
To someday make him see
That I need him as much as he needs me
Oh, what a love
Oh, what a love

To Mayathewolf
This is so true (Rantish) Mayathewolf, 28 Feb 2024 16:03
I do agree with this poem. In fact I think i'm falling in love with a close irl friend. I have no idea what would they repsond or how I'm going to let them know. I hate love sometimes and it always has to be unfair to me. I'm going to hope for the good response.

To Nobody
nice! Nobody, 03 Mrt 2024 13:53


To Mayathewolf
Some cool fact about my school ig Mayathewolf, 27 Feb 2024 19:59
So before i graduated from this school, and before covid. Me and my irl freinds where taught by a local celeberty. And She has a website where we can contact her. I was thinking on writing a message asking what has her life been since she left the school and such. Idk fully but i think it might be nice :)

To Quotation
Quotation, 28 Feb 2024 04:58

''I feel proud I was part of the old school and still around in the new school''

To Mayathewolf
Warrior cats refomen.here Mayathewolf, 27 Feb 2024 18:30
Yoooo this twolegs story is wilddddddd, sounds like starclan is warning them.

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