I decide how to see  think and feel 
as to discern 
what is real.
is my gift.
It's up to
me to shift.
Slowly learn 
what relieves 
my old ravaged 
patterns & beliefs.

like, whatever.nah... He's just Dutch.your name is Nobody and yet you seem to be one of the few who understands.haha thank you friends!!

It started with the sound of thunder, arriving a couple of seconds after the flash. A familiar phenomenon with a logical explanation. On television saw the mouth of a journalist move after I heard his voice. Probably a technical malfunction. Nothing more. But then the next day in the supermarket I noticed the lips of the girl behind the counter moved slightly later than I heard her voice. She must have noticed I saw through it, as she looked startled. I decided to go along. Thank you and good bye, I said, as always. But I knew better.

Exactly what I'm on to, is still unclear. What's certain is that my world is a lot less cohesive than I previously assumed. It is of the utmost importance to stay alert, collect clues and make connections. This is only the beginning. Can I go to sleep now? I'll pretend to.