Reminds me of something.  I remember young me going into the bathroom with a cup of water and a plastic knife just cut scrapes of soap off of the bar and making some weird thing out of it. I would also do some makeup and for some odd reason. (Which I forgot-) I always added ketchup and mayo. I would also add hair conditioner into these, and my mom would normally caught me so she would be upset which is understandable and would take it away from me and would clean them, while being upset at me. Random thoughts When I was a kid, I used to observe the fantastical colors on the soap film between my hands, by rubbing soap on them and carefully opening them.
I called it the soap channel.soaps why not just melt the leftover soap togetherstuff and junk vsauce brought me happy.That reminds me... I need to buy some good bar soap.  I ran out a good while back ....and...uh...well I went to Europe and they didn't have any.  So I use shampoo and body wash.  And a Brush.  I like a good brush.  But I am an American and I need bar soap.  Any advice other than the stuff in the grocery store?Dizzzzzyyyy~Whizzzzzzlyyyyy That makes me  dizzyyyyyy..........or throgh  up............. :@

These pages are like those leftover bits of soap you keep piling up, just in case. But you can never imagine using that ugly lump