Help curse of sentience The story of Adam and Eve has many interpretations. My interpretation has nothing to do with God, for I do not believe in one. My interpretation is that the apple; the forbidden fruit-- represents our humanity, sentience and the curse of living knowing we die, suffer, and lose so much. Adam and Eve made the mistake of taking a bite and had a moment of glory before falling victim to the existential dread of existence. While I believe in no God, the one in my interpretation tried to spare us.bitch im a  bitch im a cow

bitch im too smoooooooooth
im not in the moooooooooooood
tryna make moooooooooooooooooves
tryna make moooooooooooooooooooooooooves>^,^ meowCows are nice... But not particularly friendly. They will Moo and chew and seem interested in you. They stare at you, and study you very closely until you get near them. Then they run.  People can be like that too.COWSENSE ANYONE!? Cow got no notions! for fart sake, Cows dont have it easy! We Force Them to live in a confine spaces, milked and eat their meat! Just dont sound right. It isnt much of a life, if the cows lived just for human consumation!But i like the bubbles though!  I'll admit sometimes I've envied animals.

guess wish were more like a cow.